TREC Ireland
TREC Ireland
Tourism Related Equestrian Competitions Limited
Tourism Related Equestrian Competitions Limited

“The Abbey Cup”
Sponsored by Winfried Bastian the Abbey Cup is awarded to the leading rider of the competition year.
Bastian is a founding member of TREC Ireland.
The cup is named after his mare Abbey Pierre who was a force to be reckoned with !
The league runs from October 1st to September 30th each year.
This competition is only open to TREC Ireland members. A rider, who is not a member on the day of a qualifying competition,
will not receive any points.
Full three phase competitions and the MA/PTV Championships qualify for points towards the league.
Event notifications must confirm that the event is a league qualifier.
PlacingPoints BonusPoints
6th place 1 Level 1 0
5th place 2 Level 2 1
4th place 3 Level 2a &Level 3 2
3rd place 4 Level 4 3
2nd place 5 Individuals 2
1st place 6 Attendance 1
If there are less than 3 riders/pairs in a class, no bonus points will be awarded.
Only half of the placing points and bonus points are awarded for the MA/PTV Championships
The results of every qualifying competition and the league table will be published on the TREC Ireland website.
The Kaspyr Kup
Affiliated TREC Groups Team Perpetual Trophy
Sponsored by Celie O Rahilly awarded to the best Affiliated Group team at the TREC Ireland Championships.
Rules 2023
- To be contested by a team of riders representing their group. There would be a minimum of 3 riders, maximum of 4 per team.
- To be contested at the TREC Ireland Championships annually. There must be a minimum of two teams competing for the Trophy on the day.
- All team members must be TREC Ireland members.
- A minimum of one of the team must have competed in at least one 'full' TREC event in 2022, i.e. all three phases of a one ore two day competition, prior to this competition.
- The Affiliated Group must (if eligible in second year of existence) have paid their affiliation fee to TREC Ireland.
- The team can be made up of riders at any level, e.g. all the same level or a mix.
- Entry fee per team: €15/€20 or €5 per rider.
- Entries, from the Group Secretary, with team details should be submitted on the official entry form by the closing date.
- Np rider can represent more than one Affiliated team.
- Each Affiliated Group can field as many teams as they wish.
- The highest three scores count.
- Bonus points will be awarded to riders as follows: Level 4: 30. Level 3 : 20. Level 2 : 10. Level 1 : 0.
- Team riders must be permanently residing in the 32 counties.
- Entries to Diana O hUid.
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